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  • 12 septiembre, 2023

Declaraciones de Rosario después del Acto Central
del 44 Aniversario de la Policía Nacional


Declaraciones de Rosario
Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua
después del Acto Central
del 44 Aniversario de la Policía Nacional
11 de Septiembre del 2023


Buenas noches en este día y esta noche de intensas emociones, de Grandes Recuerdos, de Grandes Invocaciones, de Grandes Seres Humanos; este día en el que coincidió el 50 Aniversario del Heroísmo del Presidente-Combatiente Salvador Allende, que junto a su Pueblo fue sacrificado por los intereses corruptos de los Imperios.

Hoy, celebrando a nuestra Policía Nacional hemos recordado la Lucha de esta Policía Sandinista, Policía Nacional, contra los delincuentes, y no hablo de delincuentes comunes, hablo de delincuentes políticos, Vendepatrias, esos cobardes y traidores que han ofendido la Dignidad del Pueblo nicaragüense, pero que se han encontrado, precisamente porque somos Dignos, con esa infinita Dignidad que ha hecho que, Ni Pudieron, Ni Podrán !

Aquí está este Pueblo, está esta Policía, este Ejército, de Sandino, de Zeledón… Somos un Pueblo Digno, Luchador y Triunfante ! Celebramos la Vida de tod@s l@s Compañer@s que se han dado por entero a Nuestra Nicaragua, celebramos esa Memoria Viva y ese Ejemplo Vivo que está en todos nosotros y en particular en sus Familias, a quienes mandamos inmensos abrazos.

Y celebramos las Esperanzas Victoriosas que nos iluminan, porque aquí esas Esperanzas Victoriosas son el Sol que no declina, y el Sol que anuncia ya toda las Grandes Victorias, las que nos hacen crecer en Confianza, crecer en Militancia, crecer en Lealtad, crecer en Vocación de Servicio a las Familias nicaragüenses, y cada un@ de nosotr@s sus Servidores como parte de esa Heroica Familia Nicaragüense, que nos admira todos los días con la capacidad de trascender, de caminar, de trabajar, de vencer.

Muchos Recuerdos, mucha Admiración en esos Recuerdos, mucha Determinación y Convicción de que el Porvenir és nuestro, que lo estamos construyendo, que somos el Pueblo Bendecido, Milagroso, Portentoso, de ese Dios de Todas las Victorias que nos guía. Porque somos además un Pueblo de Fé, y eso en primer lugar; un Pueblo de Valores, de Familia; un Pueblo comprometido, porque somos Cristianos, con la Justicia Social, con la Verdad Verdadera, con la Historia de Dignidad Nacional, con la Memoria de Valentía, de Heroísmo, de Nobleza.

Un Pueblo que, ante la sordera de los Imperios que no responden al llamado y a la Justicia, en el sentido del llamado reiterado a la Reparación por toda la destrucción y los sufrimientos, nos hemos venido en primer lugar restaurando nosotr@s mism@s, y caminando con la Fuerza que nos da Dios para ir, paso a paso, recuperándonos como Seres Espirituales, y recuperando la Vida Material.

Allí, donde un golpista y un terrorista busca más agresiones contra Nicaragua, allí está una Familia que trabaja, que lucha, que gana, que vence, que va Adelante, porque tiene, porque tenemos, Buen Corazón !

Día de Memoria, Día para exigir y exigirnos cada un@ de nosotr@s como Combatientes del Amor, No Repetición ! Porque aquí no sólo, como decía Paquito, no se rinde nadie. “Que se rinda tu madre”, dijo Leonel Rugama, y nosotros venimos de esa Historia Heroica.

No pueden atentar contra la Concordia. No pueden volver a jugar con la Paz, a manosear la Paz, que és el Tesoro que tenemos, el Patrimonio que tenemos, la herencia de centenares de miles de nicaragüenses que han dado su Vida para que vivamos tranquil@s, segur@s, trabajando, content@s, Alegría de Vivir en Paz, de trabajar para Prosperar, y a eso tenemos Derecho.

Un día que és un Mensaje : Con la Paz no se Juega ! Un día que és una Visión Profética : Tenemos Patria, tenemos Paz. Porque hay Patria, Hay Paz ! Y la Visión Profética és esta Nicaragua Luminosa, Jubilosa, instalando todos los días los Programas, las Propuestas de Trabajo y Avance de Justicia Social que merecemos. Esa és la Visión Profética.

Allí está Cristo Jesús, que nos manda al Amor, y ese és Amor a la Patria que nos vio nacer, a la Patria que nos da Luz, y a cada un@ de l@s nicaragüenses que como Herman@s, con Orgullo Infinito de ser Libres, seguimos caminando Siempre Más Allá, trascendiendo y construyendo el Porvenir !

Qué Bendición saber trascender. Qué Bendición reparar y restaurar el Alma de tanto dolor  y sufrimiento infligido por los perversos, de aquí y de allá. Qué Bendición poder decir : Vencimos, Vencemos y Venceremos. Y Somos Libres. Somos el Pueblo de Darío, de Sandino, que Ni Vende Ni Se Rinde, Jamás ! Vencimos, Somos Libres, Jamás Volveremos a ser Esclavos !

Un Gran Abrazo con inmenso Amor en estos Días de Patria y Libertad, a todas las Familias nicaragüenses. Gracias, Compañer@s.

Remarks by Rosario

Vice President of Nicaragua

after the Central Celebration

of the 44th Anniversary of the National Police

September 11th 2023


Good evening, on this day and this night of intense emotions, of great memories, of great invocations, in honor of great human beings; this day on which falls the 50th Anniversary of the Heroism of the Combatant-President Salvador Allende, who along with his People was sacrificed to further the corrupt interests of Empires.

Today, as we celebrate our National Police, we have recalled the struggle of this Sandinista Police, our National Police, against criminals, and I’m not talking about just common criminals, I’m talking about political criminals, traitors, those cowards and traitors who have insulted the dignity of Nicaragua’s People, but who have found themselves, precisely because we are a Worthy People, with the infinite Dignity that has shaped us, They Could Not Prevail, Nor Will They!

Here is this People, here is this Police, this Army, of Sandino, of Zeledón… We are a Dignified, Combative and Victorious People! We celebrate the Life of all the compañeras and compañeros who have given their all to Our Nicaragua, we celebrate their Living Memory and their Living Example that is in all of us and in particular in their families, to whom we send immense embraces.

We celebrate too the Victorious Hopes that illuminate us, because here those Victorious Hopes are those of a Sun that does not set, a Sun that now announces all the great Victories that make us grow in Confidence, grow in Militancy, grow in Loyalty, grow in vocation of Service to Nicaragua’s Families, and each one of us their servants are part of the Heroic Nicaraguan Family, which inspires us every day with the ability to transcend, to make our way, to work, to overcome.

Many Memories, much Admiration in those Memories, much Determination and Conviction that the Future is ours, that we are building it, that we are a People, Blessed, Miraculous, Portentous a People of that God of All Victories who guides us. Because we are also, in the first place, a People of Faith, a People of Values, of Family; a People committed, because we are Christians, to Social Justice, to Genuine Truth, to our History of National Dignity, and the Memory of Courage, of Heroism, of Nobility.

A People who, in the face of the deafness of Empires failing to answer calls for Justice, in the sense of the repeated call for reparations of all the destruction and suffering, we have set about first of all restoring ourselves, and making our way with the Strength that God gives us to advance, step by step, recovering as Spiritual Beings, and recovering our Material Life.

There, whenever some coup leader and terrorist calls for more aggression against Nicaragua, there is a Family working, striving, overcoming, that does Overcome and goes Forward, because they have, because we all have, a Good Heart!

A Day of Memory, a day for demanding and affirming each one of us as Combatants for Love, No Repetition! Because not only here, as Paquita said, no one gives in. As Leonel Rugama said “Let your mother surrender,”, and we too come from that Heroic Story.

They cannot be allowed to attack our Concord. They cannot be allowed to play with Peace again, to abuse Peace, which is the Treasure we have, the Heritage we have, the inheritance of hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans who have given their lives for us to be able to live peacefully, safely, working, content, with the Joy of Living in Peace, of working to Prosper, and we have the Right to all that.

A Day that is also a Message : that Peace is not to be trifled with! A day that is a Prophetic Vision: We have a Nation, we have Peace. Because There is a Nation, There Is Peace! And the Prophetic Vision is this Luminous, Joyful Nicaragua, inaugurating every day the Programs, the Plans for Work and the Advancement of Social Justice that we deserve. That is the Prophetic Vision.

Christ Jesus is there, who commands us to Love, and that is Love for the Nation that saw us born, for the Nation that gives us Light, and for every Nicaraguan who, as Brothers and Sisters, with Infinite Pride in being Free, we always continue to make our way Further On, transcending and building the Future!

What a Blessing to know how to transcend. What a Blessing to be able to repair and restore the Soul from so much pain and suffering inflicted by the wicked, both here and there. What a blessing to be able to say: We Overcame, We Overcome and We Will Overcome. And We Are Free. We are the People of Darío, of Sandino, we Neither Sell Out Nor Surrender, Ever! We Overcame, We are Free, We will never be Slaves Again!

A Big Embrace with immense Love in these Patriotic Days of Nation and of Freedom, to all Nicaragua’s Families. Thank you, Compañeras and Compañeros.

Remarks by Rosario
Vice President of Nicaragua
after our National Police parade
September 12th 2023

A very good evening, Compañeras and Compañeros; beloved families of this Nicaragua of Blessings and Prosperity, because we work, we strive to overcome. That’s why we affirm: Blessings, Prosperity and Victories!

Here we are, as Nicaraguans affirming our Strength, here we are, advancing in Peace and Well Being, precisely with the feeling of deep Dignity and Gratitude to God, because he gives us the Strength of Spirit, the Strength to never give up, as others have done.

How terrible…! While Commander Daniel was talking about those traitors, those who are already in the dustbin of history, we were saying, we were thinking: Those are the unpresentables, the unpronounceables. While he was talking about the indispensable people, the great fighters of Our Latin and Caribbean America, whereas the traitors, who are always there, are cowards, unpresentable, unpronounceable. The truth is that history is not going to see them as more than that, People with neither character nor strength to continue carrying the banners forward.

I know people, whom I interviewed when I used to work as a journalist, who would say: We don’t want to carry those standards anymore; let others do it. Yet now they present themselves as the standard-bearers… From what? From which Left? That’s no kind of Left!

Those are the ones who have given up, those are the individuals who no longer fight, those are the people who when the hard times come, since everything comes along in life, when the hard times come they run away, with no regrets. They are shameless, and shame, for themselves, for their descendants, means they are shameless in the sense that it is difficult to look at oneself in a mirror when you know you gave up, that you chickened out, that you ran away. Such people have simply denied themselves the privilege of always fighting, always striving to overcome.

In life, as we said, everything may happen, and when we hear the accounts of those who think they deserve eternal laurels, even when they gave up, we say: How shameless!

How is it possible that people who dedicated themselves to personal business, who dedicated themselves to enjoy the good life, because it is not the same to give one’s life over completely to the service of others, which is what Christ Jesus commands us, as to live for oneself only, always trying to take more from other people, just like the unnameable capitalists do.

These are complex times the World is living through, but we will come out of these complex times strengthened, when our character, idiosyncrasies, steadfastness and strength accompany each of our actions and each of our days thinking, as Christians, about others not thinking about ourselves. That’s the most important thing.

First of all, to be faithful to oneself, to the causes that one has defended, to be faithful to the blood that has been spilled, and to be faithful, above all, to those values that illuminate all times, the hard times and the times of maturity, the joyful and the good times. There is everything in Life, a we said, and for all times we must show character, we must have sanity, we must show restraint, and we must have intelligence and sensitivity that makes it possible, precisely, to bring about days of Fraternity, of Unity, because we think of others.

44 years of overcoming…! We say, life has no straight lines, and everything is there, but when you continue to fight for a Better Life for so many human beings, every day and all times become useful and good for that Blessed, Blessed Cause: Christian, Socialist and Solidarity Values, Love of God above all things, and Love of our Neighbor.

Here in this Nicaragua of so much Faith, of so much Steadfastness, of so much Strength and of so much Love, We Are Making Our Way Forward, defending the Right to Live in Peace. Peace is not to be trifled with! For the Right to Live Better, working in Security, with Peace of Mind, and managing to Prosper.

These are, we said, difficult times, the threats of every day, those who promote aggression despite knowing that their People are working, as is their Right, to achieve a Better Life. Those other people can say what they like, but the rest of us know they are cowards who cover up their cowardice by insulting others.

What a sad role for those who gave up have come to play, the nameless ones, the unpronounceable ones, the dispensable ones, because they themselves abandoned their post in the struggle.

Here we are, 44 years and we make our way onward, Blessed, Prosperous and Victorious, because we have Good Faith, Good Heart, Love for God and Love for our Neighbor, and because we have the Dignity to advance based on our Merits, our Rights, our History, our Truths, our Memory, and above all demanding No Return!

Hugs to all Nicaragua’s Families, as we look forward, to the day after tomorrow, to the Parades, the colorful Parades of Schools everywhere, of Schools everywhere, giving Honor and Glory to the Heroes of San Jacinto, to our National Heroes. And every day also paying Tribute, Honor and Glory to all those who have given their lives for our Nation, to their Families… As we said to them yesterdau, to their Families, Honor and Glory!

We Nicaraguans feel proud to be Nicaraguans, by God’s Grace, and to be part of a Heroic, Dignified, Noble, Sovereign History, Blessed by God!

Thank you, Compañeras and Compañeros.


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